Help Desk

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. I can’t login to the Web App, what do I do?
2. Where can I consult the program agenda?
3. How do I access a live session?
4. How do I start Zoom?
5. How do I ask a question to a Plenary speaker during the virtual Specialty Day?
6. Can I take notes in the Web App?
7. Can I chat with other participants in Zoom during a session?
8. How does the Chat at the Help Desk work?
9. Do I need to check-in daily in order to get my CME credits?
10. How do I get my certificate for virtual Specialty Day attendance?
11. How do I get my certificate for the in-person PPP conference?
12. How many Credits can I claim?
13. How do I complete my speaker evaluations?
14. When and how do I have to complete the global evaluation form?
15. How do I message another attendee?
16. Where can I update my privacy setting?
17. I don’t want other attendees to email me, what do I do?
18. Where can I update the information that’s displayed in my profile in the attendee list?
19. Who do I contact if I have any questions that are not answered in this FAQ?
20. When does the on-demand asynchronous version of the Course take place?
Si vous avez des questions, veuillez consulter notre section Information.
Si vous ne trouvez pas les réponses dans les FAQ, vous pouvez clavarder en direct avec nous.
If you have any questions, please consult our Help Desk.
If you don't find the answers in the FAQs, you can Live Chat with us.
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© 2024 Montreal Children's Hospital & Department of Pediatrics, McGill University